Please welcome, the 501st & the Rebel Legion!

The New England Garrison and Alderaan Base are made up of local fans who own movie-quality costumes of characters from all over the Star Wars universe as seen in movies, television, and more. Together they make appearances at events across the region to help share what they love about that galaxy far, far away while helping to promote costuming, community, and charity. They represent the 501st Legion, aka: “the bad guys” and the Rebel Legion, aka: “the good guys” in the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.

Members of the New England Garrison and Alderaan Base have been attending Granite State Comic Con for 10 years and they always bring something fun to the con with their costumes and props. This year will not disappoint as they are setting up the ‘Death Star Trash Compactor’ along with backdrops and prop displays. Their members will also be engaging guests in various walk through skits and panels during the weekend.

Be sure to check out their booth and get your picture taken with their members, or while inside the Trash Compactor fighting off the dianoga creature. New England Garrison and Alderaan Base members will also be raising money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in memory of a fallen member, Justin Manning. 100% of the proceeds they collect will go directly to Dana Farber in Justin’s name.

granitecon 501st