Granitecon Gaming Lounge

The Granitecon Gaming Lounge is a FREE gaming area for all attendees of Granite State Comicon!

Steve Jackson, Creator of Munchkin  ••  Meredith Placko, Steve Jackson Games
Andrew Zorowitz, Foam Brain Games •• Matt Ryan, Chaosium Inc •• Chris & Heather O’Neill, 9th Level Games
Greg De Stefano, Turbo Dork •• Glenn Given, Community Resilience & Social Equity Lab •• Amanda Kahl, Age of Night
Allen Panakal, Ancient Ones •• Brian Colin, Creature Curation •• Matthew Chiamis, Monomyth Games
Doug Shute, Victory Condition Gaming •• Brian Shutter, Super Savage Systems  •• Jake “Oz” Krajeski, Alpha Omega Hobby
J.D. Kennedy, FreelanceGame Designer •• Al Spader, Freelance Gaming Designer

1985 Games
•• Monomyth Games •• 9th Level Games •• Victory Condition Gaming
Black Moon Games •• Fyre & Ashe •• Alpha Omega Hobby

The Puzzle Den courtesy of Black Moon Games
Paint & Take Lessons with Alpha Omega Hobby