Artist Commissions at Granitecon!

Artist Alley is the heart of Granitecon (You can’t have a Comicon without comics!), and we’re excited to have so many talented artists on hand. Among others, these artists will be available to take commissions during the weekend:
Rafael Albuquerque Rafael Albuquerque
Mateus Santolouco Mateus Santolouco
Camilo Di Pietrantonio Camillo Di Pietrantonio
Bryan Tillman Bryan Tillman
Rich Woodall Rich Woodall
Ed Smith Ed Smith Cartoonist at Large
Joseph Schmalke Joseph Schmalke Storyteller
Tim Jones Tim Jones
Bill Walko @billwalko
Steven King @steven.king.731
Bob Tkacik @ineptcollective
Hugh Rookwood @hugh.rookwood
You can get original one-of-a-kind sketches and artwork all weekend. Collect work for sketch books, on sketch covers, or buy prints, get signatures and remarques! Stop by any artists table and ask!