Hugh Rookwood

Hugh Rookwood is a freelance artist and owner of an illustration and design studio called “Chozen Studios”. For over 20 years he has incorporated his love of comics and comic art into his profession and developed an extensive portfolio.

Hugh was an original founding member of Draxhall Jump Studios created by Artist/CEO Ken Lashley of Marvel Comics fame, which gave him the opportunity to do work for companies such as Hasbro, Mattel, Image Comics and Darkhorse.

Later he worked for Kosmic Productions and went on to produce the titles: Lung Mei The Dragon Current and children’s books “Tiesha in the land of Faraway”, “Kyrel’s Wugga Wheels” and “Kyrel rode Dragons”.

Currently Hugh has a creator owned self published comic series called “Apocalypse 4″with writer Corrado Rizza; and 2 Children’s Book for “Red Barn Books” a story about the cowboy rancher “John Ware” and Trick rider “Fores ladue” with writer Ayesha Bhatty Clough ; a four part mini series with Zelpha Comics called “Paper, Rock, Scissors wars n’ stuff ” with writer Lue Nuwame, “Dominion Jack”, with writer Jack briglio serialized in the Shuster – nominated series “True Patriot Presents” from Chapter House Publishing on Comixology, “Flip” from Markosia Publishing in the UK and variant exclusives for Big Country Comics from”Archie Comics”; Archie Horror Their ” Vampironica” series , “Dead Day” from “Aftershock Comics” , Transformers/Back to the Future from ” IDW”, Department of Truth from” Image comics”, Rick and Morty from “ONI Press”, TMNT from” IDW”, MFKZ from “Happy Tank” , Vampirella from “Dynamite”, The Cimmerian RED NAILS and Hour of the Dragon from ” Ablaze”.

You can see more of his work at or on Facebook: Chozenstudios and instagram: ChozenStudios and Hughrookwoodart.

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